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Reach out to us with any inquiries or collaborations. We're excited to embark on a content journey with you!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Common questions answered.

How do you develop email strategies that align with my business goals?

Every industry, list, and business are unique and require a custom approach.

On your first consultation we look at where you are, what you need, and how you can see the greatest success.

Then customize a plan that will help you scale your business with email.

Will the email copy be in my specific voice and tone?

We work with you, using our proprietary process, to identify and refine your unique and authentic voice... the one that customers will come to know and love you for.

Then we review the email copy with you to ensure it sounds just like you in text form.

Will I get custom copy or will the emails be templated or written by AI?

All of our client's emails are written by a well trained and vetted professional copywriter.

So your email content will be 100% custom for your business, message, and approach.

Are you up to date with the latest best practices from Google and other ESPs?

Email is our passion! So we stay at the front lines of every new change that ESPS like Google, Yahoo, and others implement.

If there is a new tactic, tool, or change coming to the email marketing industry, we know about it and make adjustments BEFORE they're needed.

How will I receive email performance reports and analytics?

All email service & list management plans include a monthly or quarterly review (based on your custom strategy).

During this call we review the performance of your email marketing campaigns, discuss changes, and new targets.

How can I get started with your email marketing services?

We focus on simple but effective solutions... Starting with where you are, and what you actually need.

So EVERY client journey starts with a quick consultation call to discover the best solution for your list and industry.

Everything Email Done For You Email Marketing
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Wheeling, WV